October 5, 2017

Express Online Food Ordering Site

A typical online shopping site focused on express order like pizza, beverages and others. Customers can order their favorite cravings  with free delivery. Admin panel which includes adding, deleting and modifying of a category and a customer(user).

Freelance work - Requested by a student

  • Components: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3
  • Status: Finished
  • Duration: 2 weeks, average of 4hrs/day of work

Home Page

Admin Panel Home

Admin Panel Insert Product

Admin Panel View All Products

Home Page

User Registration

User Proifile

Details of Product (Users can add to cart)

User's Cart (Update, choose delivery option, checkout)

Pre-placement of Order

Place Order


User History of Orders

John Rey Bautista

My name is John Rey and I first discovered Webflow in August this year. Since then, Webflow has had a HUGE impact on my web design projects – saving me countless design hours, development costs, and has helped improve my understanding of HTML/CSS tremendously!

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