October 6, 2017

A project study entitled Coin Operated PDF Printer using Raspberry Pi3

This project study is called Coin Operated PDF Printer. Its primary purpose is to print a PDF document by inserting a coin using a microcomputer instead of an expensive desktop computer. The Raspberry Pi (microcomputer)  will serve as the heart of the full machine. A coin slot is incorporated to the Raspberry Pi (microcomputer) which can accept three (3) different coins (1 peso coin, 5 peso coin, and 10 peso coin). A printer is also connected to the microcomputer which prints the document/s. All of the user’s transaction is corresponded by a Graphical User Interface in a monitor and LCD display.

            The new Raspberry Pi3 Model B is used. It is a small but powerful computer having ports for Composite video, Analog audio, Power, Internet, and SD Card. It has a built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi module and a General-purpose Input/output (GPIO) pins which can act also as a microcontroller.

            A high level programming language which is Python3  is used based on a technique called Object-Oriented Programming which is very useful in developing user interface applications. Linux built-in terminal commands are embedded also to the main Python program.

Components Used:


  • Raspberry Pi 3 Microcomputer
  • Inkjet printer
  • Universal Coin Slot
  • Jumper Wires
  • Circuit Boards - Breadboard
  • Mouse and Keyboard
  • USB Hub
  • LCD 16x02
  • Monitor


  • Raspbian OS - a linux based OS for Raspberry Pi
  • Python3
  • Tkinter hard code GUI
  • Linux shell script (terminal command)


GUI - users can browse their PDF files here after inserting a Flashdrive

Select user's folder

Select PDF file to be printed

PDF File selected ready for the next process

Select either Colored or Grayscale print out of the PDF file

Printing Process follows . . . . . . . . . .

John Rey Bautista

My name is John Rey and I first discovered Webflow in August this year. Since then, Webflow has had a HUGE impact on my web design projects – saving me countless design hours, development costs, and has helped improve my understanding of HTML/CSS tremendously!

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